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The NWIBA is a network of Southern Baptist Churches existing in 4 counties in Northwest Indiana that comprise the Greater Chicagoland region.


Healthy growing pastors, and healthy growing churches cooperate together to plant new churches to reach Northwest Indiana communities for the glory of Christ.


Healthy, gospel focused, biblically contextualized, multiplying churches that transform Northwest Indiana for the glory of Christ.

Healthy growing leaders are essential for developing healthy, growing churches.


Biblical Fidelity – We affirm the absolute truthfulness, trustworthiness, and authority of Scripture. The Scripture above all other authorities, traditions, and preferences with guide our decisions, practices, and direction.

Catalytic Aim – The NWIBA will be catalytic in multiplying kingdom growth through its member churches through the strategic focuses of church health/revitalization, church planting, and developing leaders.

Kingdom Focus – The NWIBA recognizes that God’s Kingdom agenda takes priority over personal, congregational, associational and denominational agendas. Therefore, the NWIBA will place kingdom advancement ahead of denominational self-interests or institutional preservation.

Cooperating Network – The NWIBA aims for interdependent congregations committed to cooperative ministry and mission and working together to support, encourage, and pray for one another.

Missional Identity – The NWIBA is a missional organization that encourages its member churches to address the realities of living in a post Christian America by being on mission with God outside the walls of the church in their communities.

Resourcing Organization – The NWIBA exists to resource the local church by adding value to its ministry. The churches of the NWIBA don’t exist for the association, but the NWIBA’s only reason for continuation is for resourcing the local church in order for them to accomplish their mission.

Culture Establishing – The NWIBA will serve the unique role of setting a culture of gospel relevance for its member churches by understanding the overriding needs of the churches as it relates to gospel effectiveness and establishing a general theme that addresses that need and promoting the theme in various ways as it makes its way down into to the cultures of the local church.

Culturally Relevant – The NWIBA will lead its churches to biblically contextualize their ministries in order to position their congregations for gospel effectiveness in today’s Northwest Indiana.


Monday:                  8:30 am - 1:30 pm

Tuesday:                  8:30 am - 1:30 pm

Wednesday:            8:30 am - 1:30 pm

Thursday:                8:30 am - 1:30 pm

Friday:                               Closed

Saturday:                          Closed

Sunday:                             Closed

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