The NWIBA is a network of Southern Baptist Churches existing in 4 counties in Northwest Indiana that comprise the Greater Chicagoland region.
The mission of the NWIBA Church Planting Team is to serve in a catalytic role to enable both NWIBA and non-NWIBA SBC churches plant healthy multiplying churches in Northwest Indiana.
To help NWIBA churches develop leaders at all levels that will multiply congregation health and enable mission fulfillment.
Our mission is to reverse the trend of declining and closing churches by utilizing a revitalization method that seeks to identify churches in crisis, assist them through a distinct process, enable them to find gospel relevance, and equip and resource leaders to guide these churches into a better future.
NWIBA Planting Strategy
Our Vision: To plant 6 new Great Commission Churches in Northwest Indiana by 2022. To build a growing network of churches that are multiplying and partnering together to reach the diverse peoples of Northwest Indiana with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our Mission: The mission of the NWIBA Church Planting Team is to serve in a catalytic role to enable both NWIBA and non-NWIBA SBC churches plant healthy multiplying churches in Northwest Indiana.
Our Method:
Identify Priorities for Church Plants in NWI primarily locating areas underserved in evangelical work.
Recruit Church Planters for NWI by identifying them internally in our churches and region and recruiting them externally from colleges, conferences, and seminaries.
Resource Church Plants for NWI in various ways such as facilitating partnerships with the North American Mission Board (NAMB), Sending and partnering churches, associations, organizations, and individuals; assist church planters through strategic planning, demographic profiles, on-going coaching, and accessible conferences and seminars, and Recruit mission teams to assist new plants with evangelism, outreach events, and other ministry projects.
Our Team:
J.J. Hairston, Barrington Ridge Baptist Church
Joe Best, Cline Avenue Fellowship
Bill Taylor, Crown of Life
Our Mission: To help NWIBA churches develop leaders at all levels that will multiply congregation health and enable mission fulfillment.
Our Method:
NWIBA Pastors Roundtable - This is to be a gathering of gospel-centered men who serve as pastors, church planters, elders, deacons, and other ministry leaders for the purpose of developing skills and acquiring knowledge needed to fulfill their ministries.
Church Planting Pipeline – This is a NAMB tool to develop missional leaders within NWIBA churches who will serve there churches more effectively or possibly be identifies as future church planters.
Training Workshops – Various workshops and conferences are provided to target priority areas such as, youth workers, VBS workers, church security etc.
Our Team:
Brian Pinson, Calvary Baptist, Knox
Brandon Matthews, HopeSpring
Our Mission: Our mission is to reverse the trend of declining and closing churches by utilizing a revitalization method that seeks to identify churches in crisis, assist them through a distinct process, enable them to find gospel relevance, and equip and resource leaders to guide these churches into a better future.
Our Method:
Formal Revitalization Arrangement – The NWIBA Revitalization Team will enter into a formal process to assist churches in conducting a thorough assessment as to missional effectiveness, present recommendations for the optimum path forward, work with the leadership in implementation of recommendations, and coach the pastor/leadership team through the process.
The Revitalization Process – The Five Pillars – The Five Pillars is the revitalization tool that guides the process that has five major focuses: Gospel Focus, Empowered Leadership, Simplified Structure, Healthy Vision, and Intentional Discipleship all undergirded with the foundation of Prayer.
Revitalization Workshops – The NWIBA will periodically provide workshops/conferences that address the issues of church revitalization and health.
Partnerships – Assist churches in finding praying, encouraging, and resourcing partners to help in revitalization process.
Our Team:
Mitch Tabla, Valparaiso Baptist Church
Don Taylor, Liverpool Baptist Church
Mike Sobierajski, Life Community Church
Andy Moore, Ross Baptist Church